How do I customize the Stripe plan for my signup link if I’m offering more than one option?

Here is a handy shortcut that will allow you to assign a different Stripe plan by adding a unique Stripe plan identifier to signup link for any subscription-based membership.

That way you can offer multiple subscription options to clients without having to change your default Stripe plan for that membership.


For our example, we’ll use the individual training link:



Step 4: Click the “Stripe” option in the left side menu of the “Account” tab on your Dashboard.



Now that you have the plan’s ID from Stripe, you just need to add that in place of “STRIPE_PLAN_ID” in the link.

It should look something like this:

That’s it! Now you can add the link to your website, emails, social media, etc. and anyone who joins via that link will be set up on the custom subscription that you set up!

You can add multiple subscription options to display at the same time at Checkout by separating them with a comma.

It will look like this:,STRIPEID2GOESHERE

Replace “STRIPEIDGOESHERE” with the correct Stripe IDs. 

Then when a client goes to sign up with this link, they’ll see both subscription options at checkout:


That’s it! Now you can add the link to your website, emails, social media, etc. and anyone who joins via that link will be set up on the custom subscription that you set up!

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